Making Matters: Makerspaces, Digital Literacy and Creativity
Dr. Jackie Marsh, prófessor í menntunarfræðum við Háskólann í Sheffield
In this presentation, I will outline a project conducted as part of the international ‘MakEY’ project, a project in which the role and value of makerspaces in the early years are being explored across seven countries. Makerspaces offer children access to a range of tools and resources for making, including digital fabrication tools such as 3D printers. The presentation will provide an overview of the value of making in relation to the development of digital literacy skills and knowledge, and will consider the implications for early childhood settings and schools.
Jackie Marsh is Professor of Education at the University of Sheffield, UK. She is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. Jackie has led numerous research projects engaging children, teachers, parents and children’s media industry partners in research on young children’s play and digital literacy practices in homes and schools (e.g. the ESRC-funded project ‘Technology and Play’). Jackie is Chair of COST Action IS1410, DigiLitEY, a European network of 35 countries focusing on research in this area (2015-2019). She is currently leading a 7-country project on makerspaces in the early years, MakEY http://makeyproject.eu (2017-2019) funded by the EU Horizon 2020 programme. Jackie has published widely in the field, and is a co-editor of the Journal of Early Childhood Literacy.
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