Since many years, decision makers have aimed for enhanced student performances in mathematics. One large scale program with such an aim is the ”Boost of mathematics” (Matematiklyftet) in Sweden. This program started 2013, and was to take place in all schools in Sweden. In my talk I will describe the program, and also what is shown in some evaluations and research studies.
During the time of the Boost-program, some other kinds of projects with mathematics teachers have been taking place in Sweden, such as action research and learning studies. In my talk I will describe these as well and by that I bring in a variety of perspectives.
Through my talk, I will address opportunities and constraints concerning research and/or development programs with teachers. One issue here is what roles teachers are assigned, for example to which extent the teacher is positioned from a deficit perspective or more in line with a professional agent. Another issue is to which extent large scale development programs also takes into account other parts of the system of school, and how these, in fact, may co-determine what is taking place in mathematics classrooms.
Dr. Lisa Björklund Boistrup 
Lisa Björklund Boistrup is an Associate professor in Mathematics Education at Stockholm University in Sweden. In her research she has an interest in collaborative research with teachers. Topics that she investigates often concern assessment and feedback in mathematics, and mathematics in relation to workplace contexts. Lisa teaches in the teacher education, often about matters close to her research.